
Blueprint on 3rd Dean Robb’s American brasserie will open this spring at The Pepper Place.  

By Jan Walsh

Birmingham Restaurants is proud to announce that Blueprint on 3rd will become our newest member. Restaurant profile is coming soon. But in the meantime, here's the scoop.

The Place:
Blueprint on 3rd also nicknamed B3 will be located at in the former Birmingham Blueprint Company building at The Pepper Place. The ambience will be industrial art deco. It will seat approximately 98 people in the bar, dining room, and private dining area. Blueprint on 3rd will be open Monday through Saturday from 5 p.m. until 10 p.m. The bar will open at 4 p.m. And the restaurant will be available for private parties or events on Sundays.

President of Sloss Real Estate, Cathy Sloss Jones has been a major player in the extension of The Pepper Place to the east. The spine walk way will be extended from the Biscuit Building down past Blueprint on 3rd for better lighting. And The Pepper Place is also building out the patio dining in the rear of the restaurant. CKH Architects’ Tom Hsu designed the space—transforming it into an art deco brasserie, while maintaining the integrity of the building. Robb’s Blueprint on 3rd partner, Jim Keet also owns KO Construction, which serves as the project manager. Murray Building Company is doing the construction work for Sloss Real Estate and Blueprint on 3rd. The interior decorator is Monika Loboda Parker, of Salon Loba. And paintings by her father, Polish artist, Andreas Loboda will brighten the walls.

The People:
Robb’s culinary past includes managing partner at the Bottega Restaurant and Bottega Café, partner in DoDiYos, and vice president of company operations at Taziki's, Inc. in Birmingham, Atlanta, and Richmond. In addition to Keet, Charles Collatt is also a partner in the restaurant. And James Huckaby will be executive chef at Blueprint on 3rd. Huckaby formerly worked with Robb at Bottega and served as chef de cuisine at Chez Fonfon.

The Food:
Blueprint on 3rd will offer a seasonally changing menu focused on New Orleans and Low Country cuisines with entree pricing between $14 to $30.  If you love a great Southern hangtown fry, Blueprint on 3rd will be your new place!  

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