
Billy's Sports Grill's Santa Fe Salad is big on flavor.

By Jan Walsh

Photography by Beau Gustafson

Billy's Sports Grill in English Village is a family-owned, neighborhood pub Located in English Village. They offer an extensive menu featuring appetizers, grilled burgers, steaks and salads. And the Santa Fe Salad is a favorite for those who want, not just a salad, a meal.

The hot marinated grilled and chicken breast in this Santa Fe Salad requires no slicing and dicing on the diner’s part. Rather than strips or a whole breast, the chicken is already chopped into bite-sized pieces for you. It is served on a bed of lettuce and topped with Billy’s famous salsa—made fresh daily. The flavors of the diced and chunky salsa mesh with the grilled bites of chicken. Jack cheeses top it off adding a soft and creamy layer, completing the meal. And the only thing that could make this salad better is a side of Billy’s Ranch.

Billy's Sports Grill’s Santa Fe Salad is available for both lunch and dinner. At press time, Billy’s expected to open their second location near Liberty Park, where the salad will also be served.

Categories: Casual Fare, Reviews
Location: Blogs Parent Separator Reviews
Salad Days
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